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When you find a good thing you can’t hide it!

Nail Polish Remover PAds

Have you ever found yourself at a work meeting and looked down at your nails and immediately feel like you are looking at the nails of a junior high girl? You know what I am talking about…some nails have a few chips- some no color left at all. You are lucky if there is full coverage on any of the nails actually.

Have you found yourself in the same situation but on a work trip, heading out for a date, sitting down at a wedding?

Me Neither – I Have!

And while I don’t judge people if I ever notice (in which I don’t!),  I immediately feel a little embarrassed if when I am in this situation. I feel like an unkept juvenile. Will people take me seriously? Surely not:) This usually leads to some fidgeting and trying to pick off the rest of the polish which in turn leaves a mess of little chips of paint. I become a hot mess!

I mean, it just continues to go downhill from here.

WHAT TO DO?!?!? Well, this weekend I found something that is a step in the right direction! Especially for a busy traveler like me. It’s annoying to pack a bottle of remover + cotton balls every time I leave. It’s also rare for me to remember to pack nail polish. And let’s face it…it is honestly worse to put a layer over chipped polish.  Can I get an amen? I also usually have carry-on luggage and 3 oz isn’t going to get you anywhere!

Can you see I have thought long and hard about this? 🙂

Check these out!

I just got home from a conference and realized half way through my nails were horrid! Luckily I bought polish but they quickly started chipping away. The hotel I stayed at offered nail polish remover so I quickly called the front desk and the speedily brought me a stack of these wipes!  They. Are. A. MA. ZING!  In fact, one of the first things I did when I got home was see if I could purchase them to store in my backs and purses.

I am so excited!  Watch out world…I have my act together:)

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One response to “Product Advertisement

  1. lizpace4

    You crack me up!
    But I’m really thankful for this helpful tip 😉

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